Our Story
Born from the world of aviation, SIERRA HOTEL is a term used by fighter pilots (and those that want to be) which means “S**t-hot”. It means something that’s excellent, cool, impressive and successful.
To be told you have completed a Sierra Hotel move is to acknowledge total respect for your abilities. To me the call sign of “Sierra Hotel” means excellence.
Our First Flight
In 2015 when my flight instructor Dad took me up for our first flight together, he handed me my own noise cancelling earphones and log book and said “Arabella today you will start your own journey as a pilot”.
From the noise of the plane as the engine started, to the powerful whirling of the propeller I was in love with freedom of flight on my first ride in a Beechcraft Bonanza airplane.
The continuous rattling of the cockpit, the myriad of dials and switches to look at and the sensation of flying over what looked like lego houses on long island was like no other.
I Was Captivated
I felt freedom and exhilaration with a belief that I could achieve anything and I never wanted that feeling to end. When air traffic control commented on my Dad’s landing at the end of our first flight as a “Sierra Hotel” landing, I fell in love with both the name and the concept of Sierra Hotel. From then on, I wanted everything I did to be a “Sierra Hotel” maneuver.

Making a Difference
Fast forward to 2020 and COVID19 rocked our entire world. I spent more time at home reading on all of the issues affecting our lives and wondering how did we possibly get here. I decided I wanted to be part of the change not just part of the problem I was searching for what difference could I make and that’s how my sustainability research began. What surprised me the most was the negative impact fast fashion was having on the planet and that less than 1% of fashion brands are sustainable.
I love everything about fashion and at the time I had no idea that it took 2,700 liters of water to make one t-shirt which equates to enough water for one person to drink for 900 days. After understanding this, my mission was formed, I decided to take my love of fashion and create a sustainable brand which I hope when you wear it will give you the same exhilarating feeling as me climbing the skies in a Beechcraft Bonanza.
After 2 years of working on our collection of sustainable and ethically produced hoodie collection, it’s time to raise the game – Elevate Change, Soar with Purpose. - Arabella Moffit, Founder.